Junior Athletes

With the standard of performance in the Junior ranks increasing every year,  it’s no wonder gains are being sought out from every aspect of the sport and nutrition is the easiest win. Fueling longer rides, how to increase lean muscle mass are some of the common topics we’ll cover as part of your program. Here’s what some of the Juniors I've worked with had to say about working with me.

Matty Cole - Junior Cyclist (UK)

What were your top three useful takeaways from your Performance Nutrition Program?

Most importantly I’ve found that the volume and intensity of training has increased because of my nutrition plans allowing for better recovery and well fuelled training. Secondly I’ve had more matches left to burn at the back end of a race due to the in depth fueling plans I use before and during the race. Lastly, with your guidance I’ve learned how to better manage not picking up illnesses throughout the year traveling or after wet races for example.

I took a UCI general classification win in Spain. Everything came together that weekend after we targeted the race. My body composition was spot on, the training beforehand was perfect and well fuelled and I was able to recover in the days leading up to the event as well as between stages. It was a demanding course to which nutrition was key to still be fresh over every climb and take the breakaway to the finish.

Alex Beldon - Junior Cyclist (UK)

I had no solid understanding of how to fuel properly and ultimately this was costing me. Working with Ellen allowed me to understand how much I can actually take on board during races and training. By doing this, I boosted my performance in both areas. Alongside this, Ellen provided advice regarding my health. I struggled with digestion + acid reflux to the point it was affecting training, this has been significantly improved and it’s allowed me to train without worry.

I had a goal of winning a UCI race. I completed this goal within the first 2 months of racing. It was a cold 2 day stage race in the Basque Country. Working with Ellen allowed me to recover effectively and be ready for Stage 2 where I attacked with 70km to go and won the stage.

Ellen is a really practical nutritionist who knows what it’s like being a top level cyclist. The calls were like a mentoring session personally where I could discuss any issues I had going on. Honestly one of the best client coach relationships I’ve had.

Finn Mason - Junior Road Race Champ ‘23 (UK)

I wanted to understand how to prepare for training and performance. Then to deliver on the day of competition I wanted to know how to fuel in order to make the most of the training I'd done.

What were your top three useful takeaways from your Performance Nutrition Program?

What type of foods to eat, and when to eat them.... for training and competition. How much to eat on the bike. Little and often rather than 3 meals a day.

How would you describe working with me as your Performance Nutritionist?

Really easy and fun to work with. A great teacher who was sharing knowledge and the reasons behind the plan rather than just giving instruction

Ben Etherington - Junior Cyclist (UK)

Why did you feel you needed to work with a Performance Nutritionist in the first place?

I thought I was underweight, and I wanted to put some on but I didn't know the right way to go about doing it.  I also wasn’t fueling properly at all for my racing and training. I reached that goal weight within 3 months of working with you.

How would you describe working with me as your Performance Nutritionist?

I had a great time, it also helps me to eat properly because when I have someone telling me do it or in this case eat this I will do it as I tend to not listen to myself

I got several top 10’s in Nat B’s and won a 2/3/4

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